Upcoming Virtual Salons and Open Mics- May and June

We will host our ongoing Lehigh Valley Poetry virtual salon and open mic, as we have been for over two years, on May 2 and June 6. We will take a summer break and return in September on the 5th which is Labor Day. The mini workshops are typically posted here as well for those who want to look back or check out upcoming topics. See menu above, workshops. Previous mini workshop posts will give you a sense of the kinds of sessions that we have had. Below are the event details as posted on the Lehigh Valley Poetry Facebook page. If you go to the page and click on “events”, you can see upcoming.

EVENT DETAILS- May 2 and June 6:

Please join us on the first Monday of the month 8:00 PM EST for our ongoing virtual salon, workshop, and open mic. We have been going for over two years now, and welcome all to share, mingle, and participate.
From 8:00 PM-8:30, we have a free mini workshop that involves a prompt or exercise to push us to write regularly as a habit. We take a few minutes to share, which is always optional. The prompt is typically posted on the Lehigh Valley Poetry website, top menu, “workshops”.

From 8:30- 9:30, we check in on announcements, events, books, etc. then get right into the open mic. All are welcome to share 1-2 poems, about five minutes.

This event is hosted by E. Lynn Alexander and Darrell Parry. Feel free to reach out on our pages.



Meeting ID: 893 5219 4238

Dial In:
Choose location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

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