Poetry Month…And Beyond Postcard Project

Lehigh Valley Poetry Postcard Project

Celebrate Poetry Month and beyond with postcards to other poets! During this time of social distancing and staying home, we are trying to think of new ways to connect with each other. This is an informal, “send as you are able” project. There is a facebook group to help facilitate this process and you can share photos, too. HERE. Lehigh Valley Poetry Postcards.

Please try to send your information soon and join this group if you’d like. We will do updated lists periodically, though. You can send and receive postcards anytime. Postcards can be in any style, and include a poem of your own or a favorite poem. It can have art, visual poetry, asemic, collage, made or purchased.

Feel free to email the link to this post to any poets you may know who might be looking for something to do to reach out. ALL welcome. Participants do not have to live in the Lehigh Valley. Info: mail@lehighvalleypoetry.org

This will also be posted on our Lehigh Valley Poetry Facebook page, and on Instagram. (Lehigh Valley Poetry, #lehighvalleypoetry and #lehighvalleypoetrypostcards .

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