Perspectives 5 Opens at the Nurture Nature Center

Perspectives: Art on Environment, year five, has opened at the Nurture Nature Center in Easton. The public is invited to view works from partnering visual and literary artists. Perspectives 5 runs until January 12, 2019.

Artists “adopted” topic data sets to interpret environmental themes ranging from deforestation to light pollution. Visual artists created art pieces in their chosen media and writers wrote poems and narratives reflecting their responses to the topics for presentation against the backdrop of the famous “sphere”, a large suspended 360 screen with projected images. The opening event featured local performers and an opportunity for the community to see the results of months of work produced specifically for the program.

Art Director Keri Maxfield coordinated the effort with support on the science end from Kate Siemens and Jeff Mucklin. Partnering artists were able to call on the expertise of staff on both artistic and data set components with community workshops that fostered collaboration. Keri describes the vision as the intersection of art and science, bridging information with expression. Artists were given flexibility: photography, collage, music, paint, sculpture, graphic design, even felting for an eclectic collection of works.

The Nurture Nature Center’s website provides more information ( those with interest can check them out on social media for events and photos. See the flyer below and check it out:

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