Monthly Mini: August 2, 2021

August Monthly Mini Workshop: Monday August 2, 2021. We do a monthly “mini workshop” online using zoom before the Lehigh Valley Poetry Salon, on the first Monday of the month from 8:00 PM EST-8:30 PM EST. These are typically short prompts, reflections, techniques, and generative exercises. For more information and some background, please check out this page. Facilitated by E. Lynn Alexander, host of the Lehigh Valley Poetry Salon and Open Mic.

August Mini Workshop: Birthday Letters

The poet Ted Hughes wrote “Birthday Letters”, poems addressed to poet Sylvia Plath over the span of twenty five years. Much has been written about these poems, why he wrote them, and their relationship. Of course, she has written a lot herself and many of her letters have been shared, such as between her and her mother.

Think about a person who was in your life, but who is no longer in your life. Spend a few minutes thinking about the range of emotions: grief, love, confusion, regret. Focus on the feelings that come to mind.

Now, what would you say in a Birthday Letter poem?

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