February Tuesday Muse at The Ice House

Don’t have a Valentine? Tell it to the Muse. She loves you. Celebrate February with your love of poetry and music-the second event of this new series. Check out the “events” tab on our Tuesday Muse Facebook page and get updates and reminders. Event photos and more over there, and on our new Instagram account or search #tuesdaymuselehighvalley and #lehighvalleypoetry.
Details: The next Tuesday Muse will be on Tuesday, February 5, 2019.
FEATURING: writer, poet, musician, and actor Brotha Blaze, culinary, performance, and visual artist Yodi Vaden, and singer/songwriter Ben Tyler. Location: Ice House in Bethlehem, on River Road.
Come hang out at 6:30, show at 7:00 p.m.
6:30-7:00: mingle, sign up for open mic, connect, barter, snack, and browse. Grab a seat at 7:00 because we will be getting started, ending around 9:00.
We welcome poets, musicians, and diverse performers- sign up, and share what you are into. Plan for about five minutes.
FREE, but donations are appreciated. All welcome.
Lehigh Valley Poetry Pop Up Book Shop
Barter Table- cashless economy, trade among yourselves. Don’t be shy, have fun with it. Hosted by Cleveland Wall and Elynn Alexander.

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