Words In The Ward

Words In The Ward, 18042

Words In The Ward is a community poetry project in Uptown Easton’s West Ward neighborhood. This area runs from 15th to 5th, and between the Easton communities of College Hill and South Side. The West Ward is the densest, most populated area.

The West Ward has great resources, with over twenty restaurants and many unique places like the pocket parks, urban community gardens, Silk Mill, historic cemetery, and Karl Stirner Arts Trail.

We have hosted events for “Words In The Ward” as part of the West Ward Community Days and 100 Thousand Poets For Change for several years.

Right now, the next step is to identify a consistent local venue that can host a monthly reading series and open mic. We are also looking for a workshop space, potential members, and plans for the Easton Poetry Garden, which will hopefully become another place to host gatherings.

There is a page on facebook that you can follow, and a twitter account:

Words In The Ward 18042 on Facebook 

Twitter: @wordsintheward

And for more Uptown neighborhood tweets: @uptowneastonpa